Now, I'm beginning to post stuff. I just posted a picture of Kal's brother, Kurtis, on Facebook.
Check it out:
What do you think of my comment? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Cyberstalker. Predator. Chubby Li'l Loser.
You hear a lot of Avimi and see snippets of him in the mirror. Definitely the same guy as in the "cannonball" video (see latter half of Kult video 2)
I'm not sure what else to say about this loser. He's speaking for himself, as in "actions speak louder than words."
Case Summary
Office: | Filed: 02/25/2008 | ||||||
Jury Demand: Defendant | Demand: $3000000 | ||||||
Nature of Suit: 440 | Cause: 42:1983 Civil Rights Act | ||||||
Jurisdiction: Federal Question | Disposition: Dismissed - Voluntarily | ||||||
County: Josephine | Terminated: 08/17/2009 | ||||||
Court Documents | | |
1:08-cv-03018-CL Korff v. Geiger et al
Mark D. Clarke, presiding
Date filed: 02/25/2008
Date terminated: 08/17/2009
Date of last filing: 08/17/2009
Filer Kurtis Kern Korff
Note: This post uses others' researched and concluded commentary direct from the KIAI blog.
Kal Korff is a dangerous predator, established by his deceitful MySpace profile, past behaviour and profiled as a registered cyberstalker.
Direct from Korff's MySpace profile:
As Kal K. Korff is using MySpace, they seriously should be made aware that he has been identified and exposed as an online predator with an apparent interest in very young women. This is a guy who is alleged to have carried fake Mossad and Interpol badges as well. The combination of Kalvin Korff's interest in apparently underage women and his habit of impersonating law enforcement and military personnel as well as his documented cyberstalking is very troubling.
Kal's MySpace link:
Add to that this misrepresentation of his annual income as a lure for unsuspecting target/victims and we have a situation rife for abuse. Considering that he also apparently fled the United States for Czech Republic as well they should be very interested to learn more about Kalvin and his probable use of their service to stalk, harass, and abuse. He should NOT be trusted by social networking services.
Kal Korff uses YouTube to bully, harass and intimidate others with little or no justifiable provocation. He is an online predator who uses the internet as a way to attack, abuse, and try to humiliate. It's one thing when he has a fruitcake lesson on UFOs, it's another thing when he names individuals by name, relates their places of employment, and makes baseless personal charges against them that are intended to harass and create an atmosphere of abuse & intimidation.
Kal Korff also uses YouTube as a platform for his pathological lying. His claims of being a colonel, assertions that his brother is innocent of any and all crimes, and his references to make believe people like Martina Tycova are all manipulations and distortions of the truth which are intended to recruit new accomplices.
He is a dangerous online predator and psychopath who should be avoided or at least regarded as a potential threat to the stability of everyone's life who encounters him.
As for being a registered Cyberstalker or "Cyberpath", one need to look no farther than here:
Note: This post is a direct copy of researched and concluded comments found on the KIAI blog.
Title 18 (U.S.C.), Chapter 33, §704 titled “Military medals or decorations” states:
Kalvin Korff has definitely stolen valor and misrepresented himself as some sort of military or paramilitary officer, as exemplified by his infamous SAPSTOE uniform portrait where he wears a number of fake, phony and fraudulently obtained badges and insignia. He has openly worn bars of a US Army Captain's rank and used images of himself festooned with these rank insignia to pull a con job on others for his own personal gain. He has never worked in the area of law enforcement, has never been a recruit in any military organization, and has no legitimate need to wear such insignia.
Obviously he is using these rank insignia to deceive consumers into listening to his confidence pitches. And possibly worse: Most predators who have been known to carry false or fraudulent law enforcement & military badges have used them to coerce their victims and create enough confusion for the victim/target to lower their defenses. All Ted Bundy needed was half a second to slap a pair of handcuffs on the young ladies he preyed upon -- once they were in restraints they were powerless.
Come to think of it, isn't "slapping the cuffs on them myself" a phrase that Kalvin K. Korff has used himself in the past? What good is a fake Interpol badge without a pair of handcuffs to go with it? He could then prey upon target/victims throughout Prague and all of Europe for that matter ... Isn't he often bragging about engaging in extended and unexplained journeys throughout the EU? Who knows what he's REALLY doing out there?
And who knows why he really relocated to Prague? Is there something more than just a lawsuit courtesy of Jim Dilettoso awaiting Kalvin K. Korff back in the USA? Maybe something involving impersonation of a police or military officer? He certainly holds the offices of law enforcement and the military in the most dire of contempt. People don't usually carry fake law enforcement badges or wear improperly obtained military insignia to aid them in collecting for the Red Cross. They usually wear or carry them as a way to help them prey upon their victims.
I also added a poll - "Where did you first experience Kal?". Please chime in - it's more interesting to learn more about our group.
Time has come to collect and provide an up-to-date list of Kal's claims.
The majority of these are patently false. Others - greatly exaggerated versions of the truth. Wherever there was a ounce of truth, it has since been made moot by Kal himself.
In red italics, I provide you that truth.
There you have it - Kal's claims. And a well-established pattern of bullshit tripe.
Google Tells You Kal Korff is an Idiot
Ever use iGoogle? With iGoogle, when searching, Google will guess (based on popularity of searches) what you might be searching for. In Kal's case, Google will tell you Kal's an idiot just when you type in his name (in iGoogle).
See, when you search, words are automatically filled in for you:
Even more detailed, Kal was not a full-time LLNL employee, but rather via a contractor, through Kirk Mayer Inc (KMI). The rent-a-tech department he worked in was called Small Systems Support (SSS), later called the Distributed Computer Support Program (DCSP).
Also, I understand from this source (sounds like someone who was in a superior position to Kal) that Kal's performance was subpar, all the while he was a boastful (direct quote: "he did not contribute to anything but his ego")
Another quote from the source: "He certainly did not support anything related to the science that goes on there." So, for Kal to say he was involved with Star Wars is the same as any person crossing the street was involved with a car accident a mile away. Kal was in the same city, but not the same team.
Again, although he was bad at it, here's one more source saying Kal did legitimately work at LLNL. More importantly in the quest of truth, all of Kal's innuendos that he had any contribution to the Star Wars program are completely empty. Kal's work at LLNL was simply Macintosh computer support.
Personal Thank You to Kal
I have a personal "Thank You" for you, Kal. When I first read about you and your "involvement" with Hypercard, I got interested in learning about Hypercard myself.
I couldn't believe how easy Hypercard is! I made a couple programs myself after only a few minutes. And then I got a good idea ...since I'm kind of a Star Trek fan, I made one program to catalog a bunch of Star Trek TNG related data. I named it "Commander Data" and I ended up selling it online for ..., well, let's say more money than you'll ever see. Even Milos Bartu appreciates it (I gave it to him for free).
Yeah, so thanks Kal!