Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Facebook Fun

I told you all that yesterday how I finally accepted all of the Facebook friend requests, right?

Well, it seems all 8 of them believe 100% that I am indeed Kal Korff. That's funny.

But I just revealed myself (kult of kal) to 1 Facebook friend, and the poor slob still believes I'm Kal, even after revealing myself. I guess Facebook can seem trustworthy to some people.

So, I figure if I post our conversation on the blog, he'll get it. Click to expand


We.Are.Kult.Of.Kal said...

Damn, this Facebook stuff gives me a whole new outlet of energy!

I love it

Anonymous said...

Update ... he's now "50% confident" I am not Kal.

Poor guy suspects (rightfully so) that even Kal may have made the KIAI and KoK blogs.

damn, I hate Kal -- he burned so many people.


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