Wow. I, for one, am proud of Kal. Good for him. I think we should all applaud Kal for actually taking some action of any sort.
Here is what Kal reports it on his website:
Dear World,
Facebook has REMOVED the bogus "Kal Korff" page which was created by a person who WILL BE NAMED PUBLICLY after this individual is INDICTED and formally charged and ARRESTED by the police.
I would like to THANK Facebook for acting responsibly, and considering the holidays, in a timely manner.
Facebook AGREES that this individual engages in hatred, anti-Semitism, (Kal Korff is Jewish) and now an attempt to get an additional charge, tacking on an added hate crime penalty is being pursued.
There will be no further discussion of this incident until AFTER the person is indicted and ARRESTED. Once this happens, the individual's photo, work details and home address and other information WILL be published and released to the general public.
Let this be a "lesson" to every individual (especially my "kritics") WHO MAKE A POINT TO HATE.
We PROMISE YOU that more individuals WIL BE EXPOSED, and legally and criminally held accountable.
We are now contacting the employer of yet another such person, it is safe to say this individual WILL BE FIRED shortly.
I agree with taking the Facebook down. It was wrong in its format.
As for the threat of arresting & prosecution/persecution, I already contacted my attorney. I sent him the set of public documents from Kurtis case as an example of Kal's behavior. My attorney says it will be his pleasure to proceed with a suit or countersuit for when (if) Kal tries anything.
And as for contacting my employer and publishing work details ...well, I am self-employed. Kal, that means I have no employer. Good luck with that one, Kal.
I say - bring on whatever you like, Kal. I will not publicize any details. It will be very quiet and simply disappear. I will enjoy it for myself.
If Kal had any communication regarding prosecution of your facebook page he would post it! Besides the fact they just don't give out personal info without court orders! If kal set one foot in Josephine County he would be behind bars for cyberstalking. So who's really more apt to be prosecuted and go to jail? Kal the fucking Douchebag Korff!
Kalvin once again immediately destroys any sympathy he may have unwittingly generated by taking his GLOATING and BOASTING of victory to the point of intimidation & threats against anybody else raining on his parade.
No, Facebook would not have agreed to anything except that the page had not been set up by Kalvin K. Korff -- who is probably too technically inept to even begin such a monumental task (even my niece's cat has a Facebook page, dumbass). The page was set up in clear, knowing violation of their terms of service and sat there for months before they did their job CORRECTLY and removed it.
Therein lies the greater lesson, as far as I am concerned: Facebook SUCKS, their concept of "security" and privacy is flawed to the point of being questionable, and they let this obvious joke page flourish for months before taking any action to remove it. If you have a Facebook page make it PRIVATE immediately. Literally stop what you are doing, log into Facebook and see what your privacy settings are enabled for. Likely any complete stranger on the planet can find out enough basic information on you to apply for a credit card in your name.
But as usual and as expected for him, Kalvin K. Korff has now slipped up and revealed the extent of his own sociopathology by boasting publicly that he will publish the name, home address, work contact info and picture of the person who set the page up. THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU A CYBERPATH, KAL! And this isn't a victory for you, Facebook finally did their fucking jobs and removed a bogus page. I'd be pissed to the rungs at them.
He's also missing the *real* opportunity here (what his tactics change immediately after reading this) which would be to SUE FACEBOOK INTO OBLIVION for having allowed the transgression in the first place via their woefully inept checks & balances system. Think about it: Facebook allowed someone to easily set up a bogus page in Kalvin's name that potentially defamed him. Does he go after the genuinely responsible party, the host of the platform? NO! he has to throw a tantrum of slavering vengeance, missing the opportunity to help the whole world understand how perilous Facebook can be for the uninformed by holding them responsible for the use of their platform.
Too bad he only really cares about himself and can't look beyond this as an opportunity to do something useful & constructive with his narcissistic rage. Frivolous lawsuits against government bodies he lied to which waste thousands of taxpayer dollars? No problem! But here's a real opportunity to wage a real court battle against a very worthy target of such a globally operating 48 year old SAPSTOE wunderkind computer wiz, and all he can think to do is to try and publicly humiliate the person who clicked the buttons. What an idiot!
Here's the latest example of Korff's psychosis. His self-described best friend just died, and in Korff's post about it he spends as much time bashing Randle, Myers, Kimball et al, not to mention Obama, as he does talking about his friend. For Korff, everything is about Korff - even the death of his friend.
Contrast that with how Kimball handled his good friend Mac Tonnies' death last year. He created videos in Mac's honour. He went on radio shows and told funny and touching stories about Mac, and spent his time talking about Mac. Never once did he self-promote, or bash his opponents. He did the same thing when his friend Dick Hall died.
That's what a classy guy does Korff.
That's what a real friend does.
That's what a human being does.
And then there's you...
Facebook AGREES that this individual engages in hatred, anti-Semitism, (Kal Korff is Jewish) and now an attempt to get an additional charge, tacking on an added hate crime penalty is being pursued.
There will be no further discussion of this incident until AFTER the person is indicted and ARRESTED. Once this happens, the individual's photo, work details and home address and other information WILL be published and released to the general public.
LOL Kal, you never cease to deliver a good belly laugh when one is needed.
The only reason that Face Book took that page down is that it was making them look like the horse's ass they are for allowing it to have been set up in the first place. Any claims beyond that are propaganda by a person who is also in the act of trying to pass themselves off as something they aren't. That would be you, Colonel Klunk.
Face Books are trying to become a premium service online dating site and this is proof that people can just go in there & present themselves as anything they please.
The place is a sewer with adequate ventilation to allow the stench to pass most users by. At least My Space was honest about aspiring to be the sleazy little intrusion into our lives that it set out to be.
The bottom line is that Kal needs validation and he's using this as an opportunity to publicly glut himself with self-affirmation. Anybody else would take the battle to Face Book themselves for letting it happen in the first place; they have deep pockets.
But he's just happy rolling in the mess like a dog. How pathetic, but thanks for the laugh, Kal!
I am frightened by the depths to which I loathe you, "Colonel".
You are scum.
Anyone heard from F1 Racer recently, by the way?
I'm getting worried - have the FBI "extradited" him?
F1 Racer - please call home!
I am here! Just have family stuff goin on right now, Uncle diagnosed with cancer so thats number 1 on my agenda atm.
I do, however, read an laugh at Kolonel Pedophile's rants.
F1 Racer
Sorry to hear that, F1. My mom just finished chemo for colon cancer, but she got the all clear from the doc, so things to get better.
Now if I can get my back fixed things will be really moving. Of course, I will have to give up all these wonderful pills....
Did you read that, Kal? F1 gave a short explanation for his radio silence. He didn't use his Uncle's situation to big himiself up and his enemies down.
You scumbag, Korff.
Anyone had the heart to wade through the latest videos the retard has just posted on YouTube?
I gave up after a couple of minutes of part one...
Regarding Kal's latest videos, do you mean the ones he posted about 3 weeks ago? His Billy Mieir hoax videos?
I just watched them. They're awful and they're typical Kal.
A lot of the same garbage talk, with Kal repeating his unique claims of having proven, & exposed other people. Same old shit.
The only difference is, these videos are mostly close-ups of Kal's chubby, little sausage fingers.
p.s. By they way, Kal maintains poor fingernail hygiene.
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