Monday, December 29, 2008

Ingenious New Blog Available

In a simple, but brilliant new move by one of Kal's many critics, a new blog is available.

The blog "Flame Away" has one hidden purpose - to motivate Kal to act.

How? It slanders the hell out of Kal Korff.

Why? Kal often threatens to sue others for defamation, slander, libel, etc., despite the individual barely criticized him (many cases documented below). And in every case, Kal's action stops at the threat, far short of doing anything concrete, i.e. retain a lawyer, file a "cease & desist," complaining to appropriate authorities...

Maybe this time, he'll have no choice but to actually do something!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kal's Lawsuits Against Others

Kal's Lawsuits Against Others

Whenever critiqued, Kal often threatens lawsuits for "libel, slander, consumer fraud." The extent Kal Korff proceeds with lawsuits is debatable, ranging from "official papers have been filed with numerous courts, police and the FBI" (K. Korff) to idle threats (3 interviews of people targeted by Korff below).

Past lawsuits, threatened or otherwise:
* Lawsuit against Ray Santilli
* Lawsuit against Billy Meier
* Lawsuit against Michael Horn
* Lawsuit against Don Ecker
* Lawsuit against Paul Kimball
* Lawsuit against Royce Myers
* Lawsuit against David Biedny
* Lawsuit against Officer Jim Geiger, Josephine County Police, Oregon
* Lawsuit against Officer Brad Johnson, Josephine County Police, Oregon

Criminal charges were alledgedly "filed" against all the above as well. The grounds for all lawsuits above range from critique of Kal on a website (such as this), to unrelated, legal conviction against a relative (see below).

Slanderous behavior from Kal in response:
While Kal is quick to announce a lawsuit, his more severe responses range from genuine slander to intimidation or blackmail:
  • Kevin Randle exposes Kal, then Kevin Randle is thratenedwith complaints and accused of having "terrorist ties."
  • Mac Tonnies questions Kal, then is threatened with a complaint to the FBI and accused of being a racist.
  • Gene Steinberg hosts a message board exposing Kal, Gene Steinberg is accused of promoting hate.

Perhaps most damaging to others' reputation:
Regarding police directly involved in incarcerating Kal's brother (Kurtis Korff was tried by jury and successfully convicted of a felony: guilty of attempted assult). The police were threatened with "nanobots" by Kal, plus lawsuits and criminal investigations.

Kal says he is having a lawsuit filed against Ray Santilli. When Ray Santilli laughs at this Kal claims Ray Santilli has ties to porn and neo Nazis. (While completely unfounded, Ray intends no countersuit)

Milos Bartu files a lawsuit against Kal, then is threatened with the FBI and Department of Justice. Going further, Kal threatened Milos of involving Milos' employer.

What does this mean to me?
Just be aware that Kal can and does go beyond holding a grudge and continues to slander those who critique him.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kal's Claims

Kal's Claims

Kal has achieved so much, in so little time, where many others and teams of others have failed.
Can it really be true? You be the judge after you read his most often cited achievements:

  • Solved John F. Kennedy's assassination (resolutely proving the lone bullet theory).
  • Signed deal for writing 500 (five hundred) books (undisclosed publisher, unknown timeframe)
  • Developed A-bomb design during grade school science fair, prompting clandestine govt visit.
  • Invented hypertext (a.k.a. clickable links on Internet) while "an engineer at Apple"
  • Converted to Judiaism (via simple declaration) and founded "Special Secret Services"
  • Once a Captain, now promoted to Colonel in above Special Secret Services.
  • Employed with Lawrence Livermore National Labs to work on the "Star Wars" anti-ICBM project.

What does this mean to me?
Anyone who single-handedly solved JFK's assassination deserves world-wide recognition.
Why hasn't Kal received it?
Driven by desire for fame (in order to garner "respect"), Kal is often attracted to the hot topics or current events. He especially uses anniversaries to spread his grand contributions.

Past examples include 30th anniverary of JFK assassination, 40th anniversary of Roswell UFO case, terrorism scare of post-9/11, missile shield debate of Central Europe and many more.

Kal lavishes media attention. Once finished, he burns bridges with reporters, scorning any negative (accurate) attention.

Kal's Titles

Kal's Titles

Clearly, Kal considers titles as justification for experience, rather than the proper other way around.

When describing himself, Kal will often state he is a/an:
  • Analyst (Level 3)
  • Author
  • Broadcaster
  • Columnist
  • Counter-terrorism Specialist
  • Investigative Journalist
  • Researcher
  • CEO/CIO/CTO of various websites
  • "European Bureau Chief" of a web-based radio show
What does this mean to me?
If your interest in Kal stems from his list of credentials - you make want to rethink it, lest your own credibility be called into question.
Timeline/"CV" of Kal Korff

Anybody who can contribute details or corrections - please submit to

1960/61 - Kal Kern Korff is born, location unknown

1973-1976 - Kal's junior high school: Walters Junior High in Fremont, California
1976-1980 - Kal's high school: JF Kennedy HS, also in Fremont, California.
End of formal education.

1980's-1990's - various, intermittant employment at Claris, Boeing and LLNL (where else?)

Lived in
~1995 - Kal lives in Seattle, working for Boeing
2002 - Kal relocates to Prague (why?)

Freelance work
2006-2007 - Kal wrote 'Kal's Korner' for free daily paper, "Express" (since discontinued; out of circulation)

2008 - Kal "relocates" again to Switzerland (signing 2 year lease), but promptly returns back to Prague.

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